Thursday, August 26, 2010

Steamed Egg/蒸水蛋

Aloha Pork-Cutlets, and I am back again to rock your metaphorical socks off with inane and altogether pointless ramblings. Put on your undies, pack up your bandana on a stick and let's go. Hurry, for Asians wait for nobody.

Eggs are beaten, and then combined with either water or stock before being steamed. Solid ingredients such as meat, shallots, dried shrimp, dried scallops etc may also be added to the mixture to enhance the flavour. This dish is generally served in most homes as it is pretty easy to make and can also be fairly inexpensive (depending on additional ingredients used).

Now this post seems pitifully short even for my standards, so I've added an actual recipe. No, it's not mine.
  •  2 medium-size eggs
  •  ½ tsp salt 
  • a little ground white pepper
  • 2 slices ginger
  • 1 spring onion, chopped
  • 260-280ml water (if you use more water, the end result will be softer; if you use less water, the egg will end up being a little more solid)
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil

Beat eggs, then add along with salt, pepper, ginger, spring onion and water into shallow dish (about 2 inches deep would be best, and my mother always uses a metal dish). Add water to base of wok or pan, wait until it reaches boiling point, place metal rack on base of wok or pan and put egg dish on top. Cover with lid and steam for about 10 minutes. Heat tablespoon of vegetable oil in the wok and pour with soy sauce over egg. Serve immediately.

Steamed Egg with Meat:
Hand mince about 90g pork or chicken, and marinate with a little salt, sugar, ground white pepper, soy sauce, cornstarch and a few drops of white vinegar. After 10 minutes, add 1 tbsp of vegetable oil and mix (oil is always the last ingredient for marinating meat, because oil prevents the other ingredients from being absorbed).Add meat to shallow dish and steam (same method as above) for about 10 minutes. Add egg mixture to dish, and steam for another 5 minutes. It takes less time to cook, because the meat and the dish are already very hot. Pour hot oil and soy sauce over egg, as above.

Inside the steamed egg
Signing off until the next time I bother to post,


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