Wednesday, August 25, 2010

White Cut Chicken/白切雞

Bonjovi my darlings, and welcome to another big post filled with love. I assume that by now you'll know that the food I post about are from Hong Kong. So without further ado- TO THE MIDDLE OF THE POST!!!!!

White Cut Chicken is classified as a variety of "siu mei" (Cantonese-style roasted meats), although ironically it isn't actually roasted.

The preparation of this dish is relatively simple and involves marinating a whole chicken in salt before boiling it in water or chicken stock, along with some ginger. After the chicken has been cooked, it will be allowed to cool before being cut into pieces.

The chicken is always served with skin and bones intact and with a dipping sauce made from minced ginger, shallots and toasted oil.

Signing off until the next time I bother to post,

Ginger and Shallot Sauce

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